Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cultural Interview and Posting to the Blog

Greetings from a very cold and snowy New York,
Margot has already emailed me about what you all did at last night's class.  It sounds like a great learning experience!

Margot also said that there were some questions about the cultural interview.  Some of you were correct when you said that there are slightly different iterations of the assignment.  I did update the assignment and repost onto the website (and redistribute the assignment in class), but I thought I just strengthened the assignment for you and didn't change any real variables. I should have told you to throw out the earlier assignment.  My apologies.

So to be clear:
1) you are to set up an interview with one person in our class.

2) since Monday is a federal holiday (Martin Luther King day), I have asked you to post a synthesis of your interview experience on this blog.  This synthesis can be one paragraph in length covering the "gems" of your experience -- what you learned, what surprised you, etc.  I also asked you, if you can, to send me ( a pix of you and your interview partner so I can post the pictures on our blog. 

3) I'd love it if you all would spend a little time reading each other's postings because even though this assignment seems simplistic, I assure you that its focus on the practice of listening can have profound effects on each one of us.  We begin to learn that if we can only slow down and listen, we can learn a great deal about ourselves and each other.

4) Bring your whole paper on Wednesday of next week with two extra copies to share in class.

Any questions?  Again, my apologies if I confused you in any way.

See you all next week. And please, if you have ANY questions about this assignment, please email me at



  1. Interviewer: Gretchen Smith
    Interviewee: Ashley Topacio

    From our group table in class, I interviewd Ashely. Meeting at her home in the early morning gave me insight into some of the most intimate moments of their family. I met Jeremy (her 9 yr old son), Stella (her 1 yr old daughter) and Mike (her husband). I learned many things from how they drink rice milk to how their family dynamic flows during a typical morning. I was surprised at how much Ashley and I have in common with such little on the surface eluding to such a fact (I drink rice milk too!).
    If I could change anything I would probably have allowed more time to spend with Ashley and her family. Although we got through most of my interview questions, I felt like I needed more time. We didn't even have time for her to interview me :)
    I had a wonderful time and look forward to spending more time with Ashley and her family.

  2. Interviewer: Alex Wilson
    Time went so fast! Each time I glanced at the clock I was surprised by how fast the hands where moving. Rebecca Dadlani, who is from Indonesia, was the person I had the pleasure to interview. I learned a lot about Rebecca, her family and her culture, however, I think it would be very interesting to have an opportunity to talk with others who share her culture and have a different perspective. It surprises me how easily I forget how it interesting and fun it is to step outside my “bubble” and interact with people on the other side of the "bubble". Thanks Rebecca!
