Thursday, February 10, 2011

"Swamp" Issue Suggestions

Hi everyone,
Here's the list of "swamp" issues that were generated in Wednesday's class -- some really great "swampy" ideas!

1. Community College Completion -- why do so many students drop before completing? (Jane)
2. Communicating with students about sustainability projects as well as engaging them in the community? (Irene from our class and Christian Rugsby, Sustainability Coordinator)
3. Spay & Neutering Pets among low-income people
4. Barnes & Noble's bookstore on our campus
5. Sustainability - composting & recycling
6. Homeless youth in the U district
7. Sustainability of social security
8. Stigma of mental illness
9. Budget cuts facing colleges
10. Parking lot (mandated by Metro, not NSCC, so this may not be changeable- but who knows!)
11. Class schedule not friendly to working students
12. School nutrition

Please come on Monday with a sense of a "swamp" issue you'd like to work on.  This choice will determine the initial group formation.

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions: